Sleep Testing for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Cumming
Your Initial Step in the Right Direction

When it comes to determining whether you have obstructive sleep apnea, it’s important that you take the initial first step – sleep testing. At Sleep Forsyth, Dr. Bragg will refer patients to a sleep physician where a formal home sleep test can be performed. Once complete, she can begin the next phase – treatment – which will put you closer to enjoying uninterrupted sleep. Call us today if you want to inquire about sleep testing in Cumming.
Why Choose Sleep Forsyth for Sleep Apnea Testing?
- We Refer Patients to Sleep Physicians for Formal Diagnosis
- Customized Oral Appliances for Added Convenience
- Dentist with Advanced Training & Credentials
Do I Need a Sleep Test?

The only way to determine if you need a sleep test is to identify whether you are struggling with one or more common symptoms associated with sleep apnea. If so, you’ll want to schedule an appointment with Dr. Bragg to discuss the option of undergoing a sleep test.
Some of the signs that you need a sleep apnea test might include:
- Snoring
- Chronic Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Moodiness
- Lack of focus
- Insomnia
- Depression
- Restless leg syndrome
- Frequent headaches
- Gasping when waking
How a Take-Home Sleep Test Works

Typically, a sleep physician will recommend a take-home sleep test. This one is largely favored by patients because of the ability to sleep in their own bed.
Depending on the type of take-home sleep test that is recommended, you will be provided instructions on how to wear it properly so that accurate readings are recorded. Most of these devices have fewer cords and are more comfortable to wear. As you sleep, the specialized device will monitor and track your vitals much in the same way the in-lab testing devices do.
Your heart rate, airflow, pulse, oxygen, and other similar vitals are recorded while you sleep so that when you wake, a sleep physician can review everything.
A take-home sleep test is naturally what most patients prefer simply because of its convenience and comfort.
How an In-Lab Sleep Test Works

At times, if HSAT is inconclusive, a sleep physician may suggest that you undergo an in-lab sleep test. This involves sleeping at a hospital or laboratory and having a technician hook you up to various devices, which you will wear while asleep. Throughout your time spent sleeping, the devices will track your sleep patterns and vitals, including your heart rate, pulse, brain activity, and breathing. Once the process is complete, the data from the devices will be collected so that the sleep physician can analyze it and determine if sleep apnea exists.
What is Sleep Apnea? Snoring Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT) View Our Services