Mouth & Throat Stretches for Snoring Cumming
Tackle Mild Snoring with At-Home Stretches

Snoring can be a touchy subject for some patients, but for those who experience more mild snoring, seeking out obstructive sleep apnea treatment may not even be necessary. Another option that you may find helpful is myofunctional therapy, or mouth and throat exercises designed to help tone the muscles surrounding your airway to keep them from sagging and blocking the flow of oxygen as you sleep. You can try these mouth and throat stretches for snoring in Cumming at home, and if they don’t work, call our office to schedule a consultation and learn about your other snoring treatment options.
Common Tongue Exercises to Try

- Tongue Slide: To help strengthen both your tongue and throat muscles, position the tip of your tongue behind your top front teeth. Gradually slide your tongue along the roof of your mouth towards the back. You can repeat this exercise between five and 10 times each day.
- Tongue Stretch: To increase the strength of your tongue to keep it from relaxing and blocking your airway, stick it out as far as you’re able to. Try to touch your tongue to your chin, being sure not to look downward (you can keep your eyes on the ceiling to help with this). Do this in 15-second increments, repeating five times each day.
- Tongue Push-Up: To tone your tongue and soft palate (the roof located towards the back of your mouth, near your uvula), press your tongue against the roof of your mouth, holding the position for 10 seconds at a time. Repeated five times each day.
- Tongue Push-Down: Opposite of the tongue push-up, the tongue push-down involves pressing the tongue against the floor of the mouth by flattening it and pressing the tip against the back of the lower front teeth. Hold this for 10 seconds and repeat the exercise five times a day to help strengthen the tongue and soft palate.
Common Facial Exercises to Try

- Cheek Hook: Just like it sounds, this exercise involves using your finger to lightly hook your cheek and pull it outward. Use your facial muscles to resist this action and pull your cheek back inward. Repeat this exercise 10 times on each side to prevent mouth breathing when you sleep.
- Jaw Stretch: To strengthen the jaw and facial and throat muscles, this motion involves tightly pursing the lips and closing the mouth, followed by relaxing the lips and jaw. Repeat this movement 10 times each day.
- Breathing Through the Nose: If you’re a mouth breather, practicing breathing through your nose can help strengthen your airway and keep it from opening as you sleep. To do this, close your mouth and inhale through the nose. Take a finger and pinch one nostril closed, breathing out gently through it. Do this 10 times, alternating between each of your nostrils. A common occurrence with this exercise is that one nostril may be more congested than the other. Spend extra time breathing through the congested one to help clear it.
Should I Try Mouth Taping?

Mouth taping, applying adhesive tape over the mouth to encourage nasal breathing, has potential benefits for some, like reducing snoring and improving oral health. While not widely recommended due to limited research, it's not entirely dismissable. It may help ensure nasal breathing at night, potentially enhancing sleep quality for certain individuals. However, potential side effects, such as skin irritation, underscore the importance of caution. Those interested should call us to learn more. As research evolves, personalized advice is key for informed decisions on snoring management.